Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A flash of life

The empty space all around,
it is dark, it is vacant

No sound, no touch, no light,
just darkness, all pervading

Slowly, a feeling, a thought surrounds,
invisible, tangible, illusive,

it is deep, it is intense but unknown,
it has no form, vague, unclear

chaos all around but there is a sense of order,
almost visible, almost seen

speckles illuminate the darkness,
there is a presence, a discernible order emerging

the movement, synchronous, consummate,
the spreading energy becoming obvious,

there in a spiral, going around
the shape, the light the whole,

perfect order, symmetry unseen,
fractals no more, spinning into a singularity

There is a flash, a moment of perpetual energy,
the infinity is created, it is life, it is born

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for leaving comment in my Blog!
    Very nice what you've written this post .. you even write?
    Seje welcome in my where you want to read, is the will!
    Posts are same as I write
    Things of everyday life .. ^ ^
    Stay with God
